We’ve noticed that some do not know that the American Flag or “National Ensign” is honored twice a day–all over the world. This is one of the very first things that a new recruit or officer candidate learns. The Army raises their flag at 0630 for Reveille, but the Navy raises or hoists their colors over every ship and station at 0800. Come join us on Memorial Day, May 28th, at 07:45 am and share in an American tradition–just one of many.

Be sure to be early so that you will be able to watch the Orange County Sheriff’s Department Honor Guard prepare for the ceremony at about 07:45 am.  They will loosen the lanyard and rig the flag for raising.  They then stand at attention until exactly 08:00 am when the presiding officer calls out, “Attention to Colors!”  and the bugler plays “To the Colors,” as the flag is briskly raised to the top and then lowered to Half Staff to honor Memorial Day.  Everyone remains at “Attention” until the last note is sounded and then hears, “Two” signaling completion of honors.

Your sense of pride should, by then, be welling up inside.  What you have just witnessed is done at every military installation and on every U.S. Navy and Coast Guard ship around the world.  If you have someone serving today, know that they are doing the very same thing somewhere.  It is a time-honored, sacred tradition.  Learn more

We will also have an honored guest and a few brief speakers to share with you other Memorial Day traditions.

The Blue Knights, North Carolina Chapter X, is joining us as Rally Event Marshals and they have invited Riders from Orange and neighboring counties to join them for our remembrance event.  The Blue Knights are our men and women in blue (law enforcement officers) who join together to honor fallen officers and to help support worthy causes.  We expect more than 200 riders and friends.

With riders come flags and motorcycles!  That signals a “Rally Tour.”  You will know when it starts as you see the riders head for their motorcycles and mount them to the sound of kickstands snapping upwards and the hum or rumble of pure power waiting to thrust forward toward the open road and a one hour tour of beautiful Orange County.  You’ll stand by the roadway in awe and be wishing you were joining them.  If you have a motorcycle, you can.  Everyone is invited to join in on the “Tour.”

Riders will parade from our Homestead Road site toward Efland, Hillsborough, and stops in between.  Then they will continue on their ride through picturesque back roads of Orange County.  They will eventually arrive at the American Legion Chapel Hill Post 6 (1714 Legion Road) at about 10 am.  You are welcome to head there to meet them and wave them in. 

The American Legion is hosting their Annual Open House and Memorial Day Celebration.  Maple View Ice Cream will be there with their mobile trailer.  The Post will have historical memorabilia on display at 10 am, a memorial service at 11 am, and a Village Band Concert at 12:30 pm.  Hot dogs and a beverage will be served by Boy Scout Troop 805 and is funded by the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the American Legion.

So, what are you doing on Memorial Day?  Should it not start and end with a remembrance event that is family oriented?  An event that you will participate in and leave with a strong sense of pride in your community and our rich history.  Bring your kids.  Bring the grandchildren.  Make this event a family tradition–your family tradition.

Please help us share the word about this special event.  Share a copy of our event flyer or share this page on FaceBook and Twitter. 


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