Lee Heavlin
Chapel Hill, May 12, 2020
Memorial Day is fast approaching, and recognition of this holiday is important to area veterans. It is also a time of reflection for the children and grandchildren of those who served.
Area veterans will gather in smaller groups for Memorial Day this year, including at the building site of the Orange County Veterans Memorial. Others will gather at area cemeteries. It may be the only time of the year that some graves are visited.
I have been quieter this past month as the “Stay at Home” order kept me mostly inside. My idle mind could not help but float off too far off places, memories of family and self, and thoughts of achievements and what is yet possible. My thoughts often took me back to my thirty years of service and the many places I served. But, most of all my thoughts were of family and those of who served in the military. It was a time to reflect.
If you have been thinking about your family and their contributions to our Country, there is an opportunity for you to memorialize them with a brick paver at the Orange County Veterans Memorial. Bricks are available in two sizes and offer up to three or six lines of text. We are finalizing construction bid reviews. Your order today will be placed near the center of the memorial. Visit https://ocveteransmemorial.com/memorial-brick-pavers/ to place your order for a paver or https://ocveteransmemorial.com/donate/ to donate toward construction.
Most of all, take time on this special holiday to honor your family heroes. Pull out the family scrapbooks and share their stories with your children. It is Memorial Day—a day to honor the dead.
Lee Heavlin
Orange County Veterans Memorial Committee
169 Boone Square St, #223
Hillsborough, NC 27278
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