Major Everett “Bud” Hampton, USMC Retired. Iwo Jima survivor, career Marine, Carolina graduate, and veterans advocate is honored by UNC Womens Basketball and Coach Slyvia Hatchell
Veteran Stories
Our memorial recognizes local veterans. Not only the dead, but those who served. It also honors their families, for just as the veteran sacrificed, our veteran’s family gave a lot, too. Whether they came home without a scratch, seriously injured, or with an honor guard, they all have stories.
Our local media and civic groups often share their stories. We want you to take a look at a few of them. We also hope that you will be as moved as we are at what they share.
We’ll begin here:
- Efland Rodeo to recognize local heroes – The News of Orange County, Oct 3, 2014, by Erin Weeks, News of Orange editor e.weeks@newsoforange.com
- They Stand Not Alone – Veterans of Foreign Wars, C.V. Cummings Chapel Hill Post 9100, Oct 1, 2014, by Lee Heavlin, Past District 6 Commander
Major (Ret.) Everett “Bud” Hampton, 97, died peacefully Thursday, May 13, 2022 at the VA Hospital in Durham, NC.